viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Smallville 4x01-04

Despues de revisar mi mail continuamente en espera de un mensaje que jamas llego, decidi que mi dia habia pasado en vano.

... y que mejor en un dia vacio que sentarse a ver series populares en DVD? xD

En esta ocasion le toco a Smallville, e, iniciando con mi temporada favorita, nos fuimos directamente a la cuarta, donde aparece... cha cha cha chaaan: Loise Lane!

Me gusta el personaje no por el rol que juega, sino por la actitud que le han puesto... adoro sus respuestas tontas a preguntas aun mas tontas. Si eso no es elocuencia, no se lo que es (y lo digo con un claro sentido de la ironia)

Voy a citar algunas frases de los capitulos que vi hoy, solo por ejemplificar xD:

Clark [as Kal-El]: I am fine.
Lois: You've just been hit by lightning, you're stark naked, and you don't even remember your own name. You have a fairly loose definition of "fine."

Lois: Guess I'm a sucker for stray dogs and naked men. [Martha stares] Okay, that didn't come out right...

Lois: It's funny, I never thought she'd fall for the farm boy type.

Martha: Trust me, that can happen to the best of us.
Lois: Not me. Give me a nerd with glasses any day of the week.
Martha: Clark has many sides.
Lois: Yeah, I've seen several of them already.

Clark: Um... we usually take turns in the bathroom.
Lois: Oh, don't start with me, Smallville. You're the one taking the marathon shower. Besides, my delicate feminine sensibilities weren't offended the first time I got a glimpse of, uh, Clark Junior.
Clark: My parents kind of missed the whole Woodstock phase. Besides, they freaked out the last time they caught me in a co-ed situation.
Lois: Last time? So the eagle scout does have a few secrets in the closet.

... solo vi 4 capitulos, no esperen mas xD

Escrito por chofisrad el 12/02/2009 08:08

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